Satan's Goals Media Kit
Al Thornton
Contact Information
Author Bio
Front cover
Book synopsis
Link to purchase
Book content and reviews
Interview topics and questions
Speaker one sheet
5 Fun Facts You Don’t Know About Me
Author Bio
Two-line bio (124 characters)
I’m a writer. I write. It doesn’t just come naturally. It is what I do. You can find my materials at
Short Bio (95 words)
I’m a writer. I write. I’ve been mad at God when He gave me info belatedly, forcing me to rewrite. I’ve delayed on some projects and God has had to nudge me along. Mostly I just DO IT! I write. Theology, commentaries, Bible-teaching novels- I write. Writing is hard. It is frustrating. It is fun. It is my hobby. I write. I did finally have to tell God there is no sense writing if there are no readers. So now I have a little time for promoting, too. You can find my materials at
Medium bio (375 words)
I’m a writer. I write. I’ve been mad at God when He gave me info belatedly, forcing me to rewrite. I’ve delayed on some projects and God has had to nudge me along. Mostly I just DO IT! I write. Theology, commentaries, Bible-teaching novels- I write. Writing is hard. It is frustrating. It is fun. It is my hobby. I write.
I do daily Bible study. And often I write at that time.
For textbooks I spend all day, weeks on end, writing to the point of exhaustion (when I must take a few days off. My vision gets fuzzy and I can’t think straight).
Novels are fun. Most fun is when I can write characters into a corner, and have to stop because I don’t know how they are going to get out. By the next day I know how they out, and into another bind.
Writing Satan”s Goals was not my idea. An idea starts popping up- I have to write a book about Satan always losing. How am I going to show that? Nope. Not interested. A week of God nudging me and the Point of View for a historical novel comes to mind. 2 months later- done! I never thought I’d write about Satan’s right hand demon struggling as Satan loses over and over. Or about God constantly winning as His prophecies always come 100% true- He is after all everywhere and everywhen at once- even 1000 years in the future. I wrote for two months. Satan has horrible goals for you and your kids. God wants you to know His better plans will prevail.
Somewhere along the line you have to quit writing and start promoting. God just kept giving me writing project after writing project. Finally, I said, “God, I’m not writing any more books until the ones I’ve written are being read.” A year and a book later… What can I say? I’m a writer. I wrote- as I set up a website and a substack. I won’t talk about the …, well, the book I just started…. At you can find Bible teaching novels, Greek based commentaries, theology, a grammar, journals. Why, Noah’s Mouse even snuck in here somehow.
You can find my materials at
Long bio (596 words)
I’m a writer. I write. It’s just- me.
I’ve been mad at God when He gave me info belatedly, forcing me to rewrite not only part of that theology book, but part of a commentary I had just finished. I’ve delayed on some projects and God has had to nudge me along. Mostly I just DO IT! I write.
Theology, commentaries, Bible-teaching novels- I write. Writing is hard. It is frustrating. It is fun. It is my hobby. I write.
I do daily Bible study. And often I write at that time. I get excited about the topic. I learn as I prepare to write. And I don’t want to forget what God has shown me. That’s why I started writing- my forgetter works too well. My Matthew commentary was written this way.
For some books I spend all day, weeks on end, writing to the point of exhaustion (when I must take a few days off. My vision gets fuzzy and I can’t think straight).
Novels are fun. Most fun is when I can write characters into a corner, and have to stop because I don’t know how they are going to get out. By the next day I know how they get out, and into another corner they go. I experience the cliffhanger before you do! I don’t outline in advance.
I like to teach Bible by means of novels. I even make a novel to teach the concepts for some of the books / journals with concepts that are hard to grasp.
Writing Satan”s Goals was not my idea. An idea starts popping up- I have to write a book about Satan always losing. How am I going to show that? Nope. Not interested. A week of God nudging me and the Point of View for a historical novel comes to mind. 2 months later- done! I never thought I’d write about Satan’s right hand demon struggling as Satan loses over and over. Or about God constantly winning as His prophecies always come 100% true- He is after all everywhere and everywhen at once- even 1000 years in the future. I wrote for two months. Satan has horrible goals for you and your kids. God wants you to know His better plans will prevail.
I learned Greek so I could write in depth and accurately. How in depth? I’m the dumbbell that spent 3,000 hours in 1 John in the Greek. That’s what I learned Greek for. And Ephesians. And Romans. And more. It has been quite helpful.
Also helpful was creating a unique symbols-based grammar. It was a nine-month side project. And to think, I did not enjoy English grammar in school. But I was good at it.
Another side project: I developed Predictive Money Control. Originally for my own finances, I expanded it so others can use it.
I found out it is really important to be willing to change your theology. God has things to teach, but if you aren’t willing to change, you will miss much that He has to teach.
I get angry about people stealing God’s glory.
I create my own book covers. Graphic arts is fun. If I wasn’t writing books I would spend more time with graphic arts.
I write a blog. A podcast is coming. And videos.
I’ve been a conservative Christian for over 50 years.
I am pretty much a loner. I can be alone and not be lonely. Which is a good thing since writing is not a group project, at least not for me.
You can find my materials at
Book Synopsis
2 line summary (158 characters)
Satan’s Goals is a historical novel that shows Satan always loses while, as fulfilled prophecies project, God always wins. Available at
Short (94 words)
Satan’s Goals is a historical novel. Watch Satan’s right hand demon agonize all through history as Satan loses over and over. Watch God constantly winning, fulfilling His prophecies. He is after all everywhere and everywhen all at once- even 1000 years in the future- right now. Satan has the goal of taking permanent control of the universe. Having failed with the pre-flood angeloids, he is now trying to turn kids into humanoids, make clones of the kids, have his demons inhabit the clones, kill all the kids, and own it all.
Available at
Medium (176 words)
Satan’s Goals is a historical novel. Watch Satan’s right hand demon agonize all through history as Satan loses over and over. Watch God constantly winning, fulfilling His prophecies. He is after all everywhere and everywhen all at once- even 1000 years in the future- right now. Satan has the goal of taking permanent control of the universe. Having failed with the pre-flood angeloids, he is now trying to turn kids into humanoids, make clones of the kids, have his demons inhabit the clones, kill all the kids, and own it all. Now you know why God has put opposition to vaccines in our hearts and society has gone so awry. God wins, and as God’s follower, so do you. I can’t fear the future. I’m on the winning side.
While dealing with a serious topic, there is humor in the book.
This novel teaches. Finish it and you know where Satan fits in as the loser why he will never be the winner * insights on Satan’s acts- and failures- today.
Available at
Book Points of Interest:
The book is based on Bible and Church history.
The book gives the reason things are happening the way they are happening in the global political area today.
God is I AM. This major teaching that emphasizes that God is everywhere and everywhen all at once. This is why God is guaranteed to win and Satan is guaranteed to lose the war.
The book assumes that God’s prophecies are fulfilled exactly as written. For the simple reason that that has been true throughout history.
The existence of Satan and demons is assumed.
Links to Purchase
Author website:
I guaranteefinances aren’t a problem if you want this. There is a zero-cash option.
From the novel Satan’s Goals:
I am bothered. The Maker keeps making predictions, and they always come true. Even the Big One can't do that. And now the Maker has given himself a new name. And that new name bothers me. Actually, it scares me.
For centuries the Maker’s humans have been calling him “He was”. And that makes sense to me. The Maker keeps being in the right place at the right time to protect his humans. That's irritating, but it is true. The Maker was there so they can call him “He was”.
But now the Maker has called himself “I am”. And the meaning scares me. It means I will never beat the Maker. The Big One will never beat the Maker, if the name is accurate. A hard shiver goes up my back as I think about it.
“‘I Am.’ Do you know what that means?” I rage at my students. I can only teach these humans at night, in their dreams. The Maker blocked me from better avenues. And yet, even in their sleep, muscles tense, adrenaline flows, they are almost cowering under their sheets.
“‘I Am’. That means,” and my voice is low and menacing, “he is not only in every place at once, which he has been claiming for a long time, but he is in every time all the time.” I can barely choke the words out. “That means he is in every place at every time all at once. That means he is with your ancestors 1000 years ago, no matter where they were, right now. That means he is with your great great grandkids when they are 15 years old, right now, at the same time, no matter where they are or when it is. And he is here right now. All right now. All right then. All at once.”
I look at my class. “That means all that pain, he knows about all of it.” My voice changes. “And he doesn't stop it!” I shout at the top of my lungs.
Outwardly, I am raging. Inwardly, I am quaky. That means the Maker knows everything I am going to do before I do it. Even before I think about doing it. That means I can't trick him. I can't win this battle. I lose.
I don't want to think about it.
The Maker said these words in the run-up to setting the Losers free. I was too busy then to concentrate on them. Now their meaning is setting in. Maybe there is a loophole. I will think about that. For now, I have to disrupt the Maker's new Favored Nation plans.
Interview Questions
Q. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
A. When I found myself writing. I was in my earliy thirties by then.
Q. What inspired the idea for your book?
A. Each book was motivated by God. The novel, Satan’s Goals, is the surprising one to me. I had no idea I would ever write anything like it- and it was done in 2 months (minus some revisions later).
Q. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
A. For in-depth books I write till I almost literally can’t see straight. I write for days and days and end up not able to concentrate and have to take several days off. And I regret that because there is writing to do! God made me a writer and write I do. This book was an exception to that. It didn’t take a year to write so I didn’t get to that stage before I finished it.
I have two writing quirks with novels. I write novels to explain the concepts of the books with complicated topics, like a theology book. When I do that I pretty much have an outline for the novel before I do anything. Figure out the point of view and the characters and off I go.
If I don’t already have an outline I write without one. I like to write my characters into corners and not have any idea how they will get out. So I can end up with almost daily cliffhangers. I get to enjoy the cliffhangers before my readers do.
Q. What authors do you like to read? What book or books have had a strong influence on you or your writing?
A. When you write all the time there just is no time for reading. The Bible is the big exception to that, of course. However, I did a lot of reading in my earlier years. I used to read theology books. That was fun for me. I’ve been writing so long I don’t remember many of the author names. Larry Richards, Walter C. Kaiser, Martin & Deidre Bobgan, L. S. Chafer.
I also read a lot of novels in earlier years.
Q. What advice would you give to a writer working on their first book?
A. Get it done. Expect it to be imperfect. Set it aside for some months then revise.
Next figure out how to promote it. Preferrably right away. Don’t put that off.
But God might just get you going on to the next book instead. In that case the promotion may have to wait. That is what happened to me. I did a lot of research on promoting but never had the time to just get it done. Even after I had a website and a blog I still wasn’t promoting them. God sidetracked me in developing Predictive Money Control. That was a 5 month delay all by itself.
And if at all possible tie you book in to something long-term and big going on in society right now.
And read a lot. That is how you learn to write. You read.
Q. What else have you created?
I created a unique symbols-based grammar. It was a nine-month side project. And to think, I did not enjoy English grammar in school. But I was good at it.
Another side project: I developed the Predictive Money Control system. Originally for my own finances, I expanded it so others can use it.
Q. What have you had to focus on lately?
A. Eventually you have to quit writing and start promoting. God just kept giving me writing project after writing project. Finally, I said, “God, I’m not writing any more books until the ones I’ve written are being read.” A year and a book later… What can I say? I’m a writer. I wrote- as I set up a website and a substack. I won’t talk about the …, well, the book I just started…. At you can find Bible teaching novels, Greek based commentaries, theology, a grammar, journals. Why, Noah’s Mouse even snuck in here somehow.
Q. Miscellaneous topics:
I’ve been a conservative Christian for over 50 years.
I found out it is really important to be willing to change your theology. God has things to teach, but if you aren’t willing to change, you will miss much that He has to teach.
I get angry about people stealing God’s glory.
I create my own book covers. Graphic arts is fun. If I wasn’t writing books I would spend more time with graphic arts.
I write a blog. A podcast is coming. And videos. I am learning ways to make my materials known.
I am pretty much a loner. I can be alone and not be lonely. Which is a good thing since writing is not a group project, at least not for me.
5 Fun Facts You Don’t Know About Me
I don’t sing. I just learned that different countries have their music instruments set to different keys. I wonder if my ears are set to a key not used in this country.
I had a mechanic once. I didn’t have a car, but I had a mechanic. I discovered his shop while riding a bike past his place. It had a cross on it. I just knew right then he was the mechanic for me. I introduced 3 people to him. One of the people I introduced to him complained because the first three times he took his van to the mechanic the mechanic did the work for free. Good mechanic.
I don’t care about social media. Doesn’t interest me in the least. But I may have to start using it before long so I can tell people about my books.
I had three conflicting cancer diagnoses. And one chemo nurse that told me to wait- new better treatments were on the way. I decided alternative medicine is the way to go.
I read part of a series by J. R. R. Martin. Excellent writing. I will never read another book by him. Evil won. Satan will never win in the end. Read my historical novel, Satan’s Goals, and you will see the truth. I never intended to write that book, and in fact resisted it for a week even as God pushed it. It only took about a week for God to have me writing. It was a quick book to write, and interesting.