ValuableMe topical studies

Topical Studies

These topical studies were pulled from the study books. They were originally going to be 7 day challenges.
This is a membership program.

Since this button does not work at this time everything is free. Lucky you!


$49 a month. While nothing is free, you can be a member with as little as $0 cash.

Opt to honor God with as much or little cash as is available and make up the difference by honoring God directly via Real Acts of Caring (value the Acts at twice the minimum wage).


$100 per church plus $5 per month per adult church attendee. Opt to honor God with as much or little cash as God leads you to provide and make up the difference by honoring God directly via Real Acts of Caring beyond what you will otherwise do (value the Acts at twice the minimum wage).

Am I important? What is the purpose of life? 7ddd.infoAm I important? What is the purpose of life?
Why do I exist?  Why do I suffer? 7ddd.infoWhy do I exist?  Why do I suffer?
What Jesus did for me What Jesus did on the cross 7ddd.infoWhat Jesus did for me What Jesus did on the cross
What type of Christian am I? 3 types of Christian. 7ddd.infoWhat type of Christian am I? 3 types of Christian.
Did I do the Sin to Death? What is Sin to Death?	Did I do the Sin to Death? What is Sin to Death?
27 Ways the Bible makes me better at work 7ddd.info27 Ways the Bible makes me better at work
How to fit in with God. 7ddd.infoHow to fit in with God.